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Sell or Trade Your Kia near Livonia MI

Sell or Trade Your Kia near Livonia MI
Your search for a new Kia has been completed, and you’re ready to make a new purchase. What if you have an existing Kia that you no longer need, though? Here at Feldman Kia, we have options that can help you make the most of the opportunity ahead.
You can sell or trade your Kia near Livonia, MI, right here at our dealership. Continue reading to learn the benefits of both options and how our team can help.
Kia Inventory
Why You Should Sell
If you don’t have an immediate need to buy a new Kia, but you still want to sell your current ride, you can do that at our dealership. Choosing to sell provides an option to put some funds into your pocket immediately without needing to make a purchase on a new ride.
This is a common option for people looking to get some additional funds for another purchase or if there’s no longer a need for multiple rides at a household.
Why You Should Trade
If you do have a new ride that you’re interested in, a trade-in can help you with the value of your next purchase. When you choose a trade-in, you can apply the value of the vehicle that you’d get in a sale toward your next purchase and help structure the financing plan differently.
A trade-in goes through a process that involves evaluating the vehicle for its condition and having it inspected by the dealership. Once our team completes that process, we’ll work with you on everything that’s needed to finalize the trade and add that value to your new ride.
Financing a lease
How Our Finance Team Can Help
When you visit our dealership, you may be deciding between these two options or be looking for help to maximize the value you get in return. There are steps you can take before you visit us to prepare.
First, you want to make sure your ride is in the best condition possible. Check for any blemishes, scratches, or dents on the exterior. Have the interior cleaned and polished. Have the ride inspected yourself before bringing it to our team and take care of any routine maintenance that’s needed.
You can also get an estimated value on our website by using the Value My Trade tool. This can provide you with a guideline of what you may receive when you do visit us.
Sell or Trade Your Kia near Livonia Today
Here at Feldman Kia, we want to help you in every aspect of your experience here. This goes beyond finding a new Kia vehicle and includes making the decision to sell or trade your Kia near Livonia, Michigan. Our team is ready to provide the assistance needed to get you the value you deserve and get you on your way.
If you have questions about this process, you can contact our team and have them answered before your visit. You can also come and see us when you’re ready to get the process started. We look forward to seeing you soon.

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